A small lawn care business in Park City, Utah committed to customer service and reliability. We are licensed and insured.
Our Services
Weekly Mow
Our service includes mowing, weed trimming, and leaf blowing hardscape. We mow Monday - Thursday 10 am - 5 pm, and schedule a day of the week based on neighborhood.
Biweekly Mow
Our service includes mowing, weed trimming, and leaf blowing hardscape. We mow Monday - Thursday 10 am - 5 pm, and schedule a day of the week based on neighborhood.
Schedule a quote
We determine the cost of service based on lawn square footage and have a baseline price of 50 dollars per mow. You can schedule a quote by calling or texting us at 435 901 3743.
Contact Us
You can contact us at 435 901 3743 or email us at shanemhilton@gmail.com